Schedule of Meetings

Sunday, October 13, 7:00 PM

Bible Prophecy and the Signs of the Times

We live in a time in Earth’s history when it is easy to be afraid because of things around us, like wars, political unrest, and diseases. The Bible provides a way for us to have hope in these troublesome times. We need to pay close attention to the fulfillment of prophecy. Jesus calls us today to trust in Him and to study His word.

Monday, October 14, 7:00 PM

Bible Prophecy and the Second Coming of Christ

God knows the end from the beginning. The Bible proves this fact with evidence we can observe throughout history. For example, God showed Daniel the events of world history that had not happened yet. Since we know that God was able to reliably and accurately predict the future, we can trust God with our lives today.

Tuesday, October 15, 7:00 PM

Revelation Forecasts 1000 Years of Peace

We live in tumultuous times. However, the book of Revelation tells us there is hope. During the 1000 years of peace, we will receive answers to our questions, the devil will have no power, and sin will be abolished.

Wednesday, October 16, 7:00 PM

Revelation’s Great Controversy

For centuries the world has been involved in a conflict between good and evil. How did this great controversy begin? And what is the solution God offers? If you or someone you know has not accepted Jesus into their heart, this is the lesson for you.

Thursday, October 17, 7:00 PM

The Law Anti-christ Hates

Revelation’s final conflict centers around God’s Law. God has given us the Ten Commandments to show us how to live a healthy, happy, and abundant life. He desires the best for us. But the enemy of our souls wants to destroy God’s law along with our happiness.

Saturday, October 19, 11:00 AM

Revelation’s Worship War

In marriage, we celebrate our relationship during our anniversary. In the same way, our love story with God comes with a celebration we get to enjoy weekly. It’s called the Sabbath. We use this time to remember our Creator, worship Him, and draw close to Him. It’s a time to rest and focus on our spiritual life. The book of Revelation tells us of a worship war happening in this world. The enemy doesn’t want us to remember and worship God as the Creator. He doesn’t want us to rest and spend that time with Jesus. So he seeks to destroy the Sabbath and make it seem unimportant.